Sunday, February 24, 2008

Arm Day at Bevs Power House

Saturday, Dominick and myself went to Bev's gym in Syosset New York. That gym is one of the best around, just walking in that place seeing all the photos of present and past bodybuilders nailed to the wall, just makes a spark inside you ignite to want to throw around mass amounts of weight. I try to train at that gym a few times a month and usually you'll catch some of the pros there, I have been fortunate enough to meet many pro's there. The one man whom I see there is Mr. Steve Wienberger, who is one of the biggest names in NPC and IFBB. Steve is such a great guy, he's always welcoming when I am there and is always asking if I need anything when we talk. I talked breifley to him, and I told him about my shoulder and my off season so far, and his words were that I didn't look like I lost any muscle. I obviously took that as a complement, but I definitely noticed some atrophy on my right side from not being able to train it right since before the surgery and after. The past two weeks I have trained it well, but it's still not back to 100 % I would say around 60 % at this point. As for my workout this is what I did. My biceps I stated lighter on because that actually hurts my shoulder more from the gravity pulling down on my arm, rather than tris where I have to push not pull the weight. The workout was as follows.

Barbell curls-95x12, 105x10, (Drop set 105x8, 85x8, 65x8)
One arm db curls-30x12, 35x10, 40x10
One arm cable curls-40x15, 50x12, 50x12
(super set ) with Hammer curls-40x10, 45x10, 50x10

Skull crushers-95x15, 105x10, 105x10
Smith machine close grips-185x15, 225x10, (Drop set 225x10, 135x10)
Straight bar push downs-100x15, 120x12, (Drop set 120x10, 90x10, 70x10, 50x10)
Weighted dip machine-(used 45lb plates on machine) 90x15, 135x15, 185x15

Donkey calf raises-200x20, 240x15, 280x10
Standing calf raises-200x20, 240x15, (Drop set 260x10, 200x10, 100x10)
seated calf raises-2 sets 55 x failure

After the gym we stopped at Dave's house and hung out for a few to shoot the shit, Dave came out with some new lifting belts as well as shirts so it's always nice to see the new things he has coming out and being one of the first to get the apparel or supplements. Be sure to check out the new items at WWW.SPECIESNUTRITION.COM. Also, I have to give a shout out to Colette Nelson, Dave's fiance whom is getting ready for the Arnold Classic in less than a week and is looking ridiculous, keep it up, your gonna do awesome. Until next time. IT'S NOT THE SIZE OF THE DO IN THE FIGHT, IT'S THE SIZE OF THE FIGHT IN THE DOG

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