Monday, February 18, 2008


So for all of you who are keeping up to date on my training and blogs, I posted awhile ago that I was going to start posting more of my workouts along with my routines, and weight that I use. Today was leg day, one of the most focused days in the gym; leg day is unlike any other day in the week. Legs are starting to be looked at more and more by judges in the NPC and along in the IFBB, the judges are (in my opinion) giving the higher rankings to the guys who have the big conditioned wheels and may not have the biggest upper body. For myself I was blessed with pretty big legs as a kid, and playing football for 15 years and training as an athlete only improved my growth for my legs. My boy PJ always busts my chops that I have heavy weight legs, on a middle weight body. But in any case, his arms are 22+ inches so I would do anything for those guns. But this is what I did today for my wheels: (Keep in mind I am still keeping my volume on the lighter side along with the weight because it's only week two back into it, I usually train a little heavier along with more volume, I usually do 15-17 sets for legs).
Warmed up with 2 sets extensions
Squats: 405x8, 405x8, 315x10, 225x15
Hacks: 225x10, 315x10, 315x10
Single Leg, Leg Press: 3 sets 135x12 (last set did a burn out with both legs)
Extensions: 140x15, 180x12, 220x8 (drop set to) 120x8
I will be posting everyday, so stay tuned for updates on my training, if anyone has any questions be sure to post on here or email me at . Until I bang out Chest tomorrow, be safe, be yourself, Be Big.

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