Thursday, February 21, 2008

Back Up With Back Day Baby...

OK so today didn't start off the way I would have liked, I went to work late after a long night of not sleeping, just had a lot on my mind. After a few hours of work I had to go to my appointment at my moms office, she works for an oral surgeon Dr. Saglambini. I went in because I had a patch of skin in my lip that was irritating me. Now for those of you who don't know along with playing football for 15 years, I inherited the trait of dipping (chewing tobacco), haven't done it in awhile, but, I was bugging out that something was wrong. Well, after the doc checked me out, it was a swollen gland (mucocuele) that just needed to come out, so after a few shots of Novocaine, and a couple of slits in my mouth he took it out stitched me up and I was good to go. So now back to my workout for the day. Today was Back day, it was my first day attempting dead lifts in a month since my surgery I was happy with my performance, but my endurance is struggling, I am becoming winded too fast, I'm sure it's just from the weeks off and no activity. But here's what I did:
Warmed up with two sets pull downs with 100lb
Lat pull downs-170x12, 190x12, 210x10
T-bar rows-(I use 25lb plates, plus the t-bar is 45lbs) 145x15, 190x12, 240x8
Dead lifts-315x10, 365x8, 365x8 (I usually do 4 sets but I was hurting after that)
One arm db rows-100x12, 110x10, 120x10
Behind the next pull downs-3 sets 120x10-12
Did a total of 15 sets had a good pump, not as strong as I want to be, but just need time and it will come, can't rush an injury like I had. Well, hope everyone is having better luck than me. Someone told me all bad shit comes in 3's. So shoulder surgery, totaling my car, mouth surgery, I think I should be done for awhile. Until next Blog. Over and Out

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