Friday, February 22, 2008

Shoulders And Hamstrings OH MY!

Well today was shoulders and hamstrings. I got to the gym later than usual on Friday since I usually get out of work at 3, but with all the bad weather we had today I had to take my time, so I started around 5:30-6pm. I warmed up with some lateral raises to warm up my shoulders to get the blood going and to make sure they were ready to be worked. With shoulders sometimes times I do presses first or I will pre-exhaust them and press last to really make them work. So this is what I did:
Db shoulder press: 4 sets x (weight that someone with shoulder surgery does)
Cable lateral raises: 3 sets x 30lbs
Cable front raises: 3 sets x 30lbs
Reverse pec dec: 3 sets x 90lbs
Db shrugs: (Ran the rack) which means I did all sets of 10 reps in this order 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 85, 75, 65, 50. So that's 10 sets of 10 which is a hundred reps

Then for Hamstrings I had a pretty solid workout.
Lying hamstring curls: 70x15, 80x12, next set was a drop set (90x6, 70x8, 50x10)
Stiff leg dead lifts: 3 sets x 225
Standing single leg curls: 40x12, 50x10, 60x10

So after all these sets and reps I was pretty much spent, still a little depressed because I can't press the weight I would like to especially on chest and shoulder day, but got to take one step at a time. Tomorrow is arm day which is not one of my best body parts, so I have to hit them with high volume to make them grow. Then tomorrow afternoon me and my boy Dom are heading up to Dave's to hang out and shoot the shit, and of course stock up on my species products for the month. Ill keep you all updated on my training and if Dave has any new recipes brewing for species. YOU MISS 100% OF THE SHOTS YOU DON'T TAKE.

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