Thursday, February 14, 2008


Yesterday, we threw my close friend, nutritionist, and mentor, Dave Palumbo a surprise 40th birthday party at Piccolo's Italian Restaurant in Bellmore NY. There were 25 of Dave's closest friends there. A list of the entourage included, his father Sal, Colette, Evan Centopani, PJ Braun, Dominick Dicho, Billy Guns, the Smally Brothers, Rick Collins, Jusitin Miller (owner of Power Fitness), and many more. We all had a blast; Dave was clueless that anything was going on. His birthday is actually the 17th but he will be out of town so we through this for him a few days earlier. A great man deserves a great night, and that he had. The food was very good, and the people there made everything even better. Dave is surrounded by so many good people who look up to him as a nutritionist and who love his as a friend. It was a fun filled night, one I am sure he will remember for years to come.
On a suckier note, I left work today around 2pm to go pick my mother up flowers for Valentines Day and on my way to the florist, so old bitch wasn't paying attention and came out of a side street and T-boned my whole car. Talk about being pissed I just put the finish touches on my car. I had subs installed, interior street glow lights, tints put on, and an automatic starter installed, and after bringing it to the shop, my buddy Brian told me it looked like at least 10k worth of damage. The bitch...and yes I said bitch did not look, destroyed both doors both side panels, dented my truck and hook, she hit me so hard that the door pushed my seats about 6 inches into the car. Talk about a bad Valentines Day; this is one for the books. Next time I'll spend the 100 bucks to get them sent there instead of trying to be a nice guy and drop them off. Well, I'm ok, just careless for a few days, Ill have to make due. Well hope you all enjoy your day more than I already have.

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