Monday, September 15, 2008


Yup I did it again managed to murder my quads completely different than the normal workouts. Let this be known that I have yet to do the same leg workout in the past 7 weeks of dieting. But today was sick. This is what I did

Squats-405x10, 405x10, 405x8, 405x6
super set
Leg Press-8 plates x 10, 10 plates x 10, 12 plates x 8, 12 plates x 8

Leg Extensions-120x15, 160x12, 180x10, 200 x failure (drop set to 110)
super set
Sissy Squats-4 sets to failure

Total of 16 sets and this workout was done at a pretty fast pace, I was done within an hour, my quads are shot, but I had a great workout and a sick pump. The reason I have my carb/cheat meal on Sunday is so I have some stored glycogen for my leg workouts on Monday since it's a very hard and intense workout. Although, all my workouts I go balls to the walls, legs are just on a different level!
Light weight, is for light people

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