Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Got To Have The Eye!

Don't know how/why, but only nine and a half weeks left and I'm still strong as shit. Weighing this past Sunday 194.5 still throwing around the weight. People always ask how I still use the same weight I do when I am dieting or why I still go heavy, and this is why. First off, my shoulder is fully recovered and I have to give a lot of credit to Dave's Artholyze, since I have been taking that my recovery on my shoulder has been amazing. Secondly, if I am training for a show, why would I go lighter if I am trying to keep on as much size as possible right? OK, now that that's covered, also I think it's a mental thing too. When I go into the gym, I forget I'm dieting, I forget I'm hungry, I'm there for one reason only, to train. NOTHING else matters at that point, my problems, my hunger, and my emotions, are gone for those hours I train. As cliche as this sounds you have to have the EYE OF THE TIGER mentality. So this is how I hammered out chest yesterday...

Flat Barbell Press-225x12, 275x10, 315x9
Incline Barbell Press-225x10, 275x8, 275x8
Flat db flys-40x12, 45x12, 50x12
Incline db flys-40x12, 45x12, 50x12
Cable Crossovers-60x15, 70x15, 70x15

Although, my weight dropped a little, for being 194 with no carbs, and not being even a year since my shoulder surgery, I am happy where I am. I will be posting progress pics this weekend.


thaAtrain said...

"nothing hits harder than life"..fuckin damn right!

welshdragon said...

My Boy, Guys a Animal wish he lived closer!!!!
I train the same style all the way up to my show, hard n heavy!

Mr Olympia Dorian Yates once told me-
"Flexy what put the muscle on will keep the muscle on"

No BIGGER words have ever been said to me!

Guy reminds me of a dear friend back home who has PASSION for everything and everyone he loves in his life, mark my words HE WILL win his PRO CARD this year no one wants it more than him, as for his friends well being one them i know hes always got my back from the lowest of days in my diets to highest of days winning he was there sometimes in body but always in spirt!

I got your back BRO you know this.... east coast baby!