Monday, September 15, 2008


I had the liberty of going to the AC show this weekend. I drove with my two close friends Kris Lecomte and Jenn Symthe. It was good for two reasons. One, because I have never been to AC and YES I am from Jersey. Secondly, I got to see my boy PJ murder the competition along with watching some of the top pro and fitness girls compete. I will start with the Pros.

I have to say it was a battle for the top 5 spots. Melvin Anthony, was hands down the best of the show and best I have ever seen him, he is usually soft from behind but had shredded glutes and hams. Big JJ took a respective 2nd after winning last year, he lacked a little condition which is why I think Melvin beat him. Darrem deserved 3rd, and also deserved the win in the masters edging out the X man Toney Freeman, Toney was not as crisp as he usually is. Toney took 2nd in the masters and 4th overall. And 5th was Joel Stubbs, HOLY SHIT this guys back and upper body is sick, I mean his back I think blows Ronnie's out of the water, if he brings his legs up he will be a big threat at ANY show he does. A big shout out to my boy Craig Richardson, who was trying a few new things with Dave, he came in big, but not as hard as he usually does, but I can't wait to see what he does for the Olympia in two weeks.

As for the fitness, the only girl that I watched was my friend Bethany Wagner, who looked amazing and her routine was awesome. Everyone including the guys on MD doing the play by play had her 2nd or 3rd but she took 5th. If she placed top 3 she would have qualified for the Olympia. I just met Bethany a few weeks ago while training at Apollon Gym with Kris and his girl friend Jenn. She is a sweet heart and a very funny, down to Earth girl. GREAT JOB Bethany, you looked great and did awesome, keep your head up, and kick ass next year!!!

PJ, was a highlight of the amateur show, he smoked the competition and looked great. PJ earned a compliment from Steve Bleckman, saying that he has a pro upper body but needs to bring up his legs and ham glute tie-ins. He looked sick and as always when I'm with PJ there's always fun and a ton of stories. Everyone already knows the story of the pound cake, that was great. CONGRATS BRO, WELL EARNED AND DESERVED, NOW GET FOCUSED FOR A BIG HARD OFF SEASON AND GET IT DONE IN 09.

As for myself, Dave got a chance to look at me and said I am right on schedule although he's killing me with cardio he said I'm right on point but does not want to take my food out because he wants me to be as full as possible so uping the cardio is what he is doing instead.
I have pics from the show in my members section be sure to check them out.
There's only one thing that can change your focus in life, YOU!

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