Friday, July 4, 2008

Workout Week Wrap Up!

OK, today I was training at Strong and Shapely with my boy Kris Lecomte, and one of my friends and clients Joel, told me he's always checking out my blog and asked how come I don't list more of my workouts. I told him I didn't want to bore my friends and fans with the same old shit. He told me that's the stuff that he like to read about so I told him I would do more of that. First off Joel is one of the strongest men I know, I can't recall his exact lifts but I am sure he will inform me after reading this site. He is also an inspirational religious speaker, before he trains and before he competes he is always in prayer. And after he competes he speaks to the crowd on how God has helped him in so many ways not just in power lifting meets, but in his every day life. Joel is a one of a kind guy, he plans to step on a bodybuilding stage with my help soon, and I am sure he will do damage when he does.

As for my recap of my workouts this week, this is actually a good starting point because my strength increased a lot this week, so here it goes:

Flat bench-225x15, 275x12, 315x10, 335x10
Incline smith-225x15, 275x12, 315x10, 315x10
Flat db flys-40x15, 45x12, 50x12
Incline db flys-40x15, 45x12, 50x10
Cable cross overs-3 sets 70x15

Dead lifts-315x12, 365x10, 405x10, 455x6
One arm db rows-120x12, 130x10, 140x10, 150x10
T-bar rows (using 25 lb plates)-5 plates x15, 7 plates x12, 9 plates x10, 9 plates x10
Reverse pull downs-150x15, 170x12, 190x10, 190x10

Shoulders & Hamstrings:
Smith machine press-225x15, 275x10, 315x6
Smith machine behind neck press-3 sets 185x failure
Standing lateral raise machine-60x15, 70x15, 80x 10 (drop set)-60x10-40x10
DB upright rows-40x15, 45x15, 50x12
DB shrugs-3 sets 130x10-12

DB stiff leg dead lifts-90x15, 100x12, 110x12
Lying one leg ham curls-3 sets 60x10-12
Standing one leg ham curls-2 sets 50x 12-15

I will post my arm workout tomorrow. I am working out with IFBB pro Carlo Filipone tomorrow so we should have a great workout and a great meal afterwards. Until tomorrow, God Bless and Enjoy the 4th of July. Remember what your thankful for and be grateful.
PS-spent a good chunk of change today on a new camera and hand held camera for the site, pics will FINALLY be up soon.

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