Sunday, July 13, 2008

Weekend Of A Bodybuilder.

Friday, I got out of work around 2pm, Dom and I had plans to train at W.O.W where Carlo owns his cafe. So I had some time to get my hair cut and cook before he got off work. We got there around 7pm, and blasted shoulders and hamstrings, and this is what I planned out for our workout.
DB lateral raises-30x12, 35x10, 40x10 drop set 20x10
DB front raises-30x12, 35x10, 40x10 drop set 20x10
Bent over rear delt raises-30x12, 35x10, 40x10 drop set 20x10
Barbell shoulder press-3 sets 225x10 last set was a drop set
Icarian shoulder press-3 sets various weight (this machine was good, but had a different feel for it so didn't pay attention to the weight, just wanted to get a feel for the machine.)
***I didn't shrug because my shoulder was tender and didn't want to over do it.

Lying hamstring curls-I won't put the weight with these because every machine is different. I did 4 sets and the last one was a triple drop set.
Stiff leg dead lifts-225x12, 275x10, 275x10, 225x12
Standing one leg curls-3 sets until failure.

So, after training us three just hung out and ate my favorite turkey meatballs and brown rice. We sat in the cafe, bull shitted for about an hour then called it a night. But, my weekend by far from over, Saturday was another long day for me.

Saturday, I had to get a early start because I had to be at Nutley High School at 6pm. I woke up, ate some breakfast relaxed for an hour and headed to the gym to get there by 2pm. I banged out bis and tris, and made sure I was done working out before 4pm. So this is how I hammered out arms.
Preacher curls-95x12, 115x10, 115x8, 65xfailure
Seated alternate db curls-30x12, 35x10, 40x10 drop set 20x failure
Hammer curls-40x12, 50x10, 60x10
Pre-loaded curls-80x12, 90x12, 100x10

Incline skull crushers-100x15, 110x12, 110x12, 110x12
Tri push downs-100x15, 120x12, 140x10 drop set 80x failure
DB kick backs-30x10, 35x10, 40x10
Rope pull downs, super set with Over head rope extensions- 3 sets all until failure

I usually do calfs but didn't because I knew that I had to guest pose that night and my hamstrings and calfs always get very tight so I decided to lay off them. So I got home had to shave my body, shower, and throw on two coats of jan tana on and went out the door. I got there right be for 6pm. Pete Diaz (one of the promoters and owner of Plaza Fitness in Bellville NJ) told me I was opening the show and the first to go on. So I threw my trunks on and pumped up my man and IFBB pro Carlo threw some oil on me and I was ready to go. The crowd there was awesome, as soon as I stepped foot on stage the crowd went nuts, and it was a great time. I was on stage for about 3 minutes or so, and by the time I was done I was soaking wet, there was no AC there so I was drenched. I hung out for about and hour and a half, but had to leave because I was sweating way to much and started to get a headache. But compared to the Garden State in 2004, which was the first time I did it, the show was doubled in size in fans and athletes. I want to thank Pete Diaz for all the support, and it was an honor to guest pose in my state. It was a great time, fans were awesome, and congrats to all the athletes!!! RESULTS DON'T JUST COME, THEY'RE EARNED!

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