Wednesday, August 27, 2008


OK, this week wanted to kick it off old school and bring back some basic movements into my workout, and I did just that for legs and chest. Back in the day there was none of these machines around, or smooth cables to do curls with. There were barbells, dumbbells, squat racks, leg presses, and benches. So I planned my workout around that. My gym I workout at most of the time in Totowa doesn't have the best leg equipment, so I decided to go to REPS gym in Hawthorne owned by good friend Guy Delcorso. The reason I went there is it's the only gym around that has a vertical leg press and I wanted to hit my quads a little differently so this is what I decided to do for legs:

Warm up with a few leg extensions
Squats: 405x10, 455x8, 455x8, 315x12
Vertical leg press: 225x15, 315x15, 405x10
Standard leg press: 8 plates x 15, 12 plates x 12, 14 plates x 10
Leg extensions: couldn't tell the weight but I did 4 sets until failure, and last set was a drop set..

Although this doesn't seem like a ton of sets, I couldn't drive my car comfortably home, due to all the core exercises my legs were on fire...So if you want a change in pace I would def give this leg blaster a shot.

As for chest I kept my pressing mind set and this is how I blasted chest:
Warm up with two light sets of db presses...

DB presses-100x12, 110x12, 120x12
Incline db presses-100x12, 110x10, 120x10
Smith machine presses-225x12, 275x10, 315x8
Cable crossovers-60x12, 70x10, 70x10
Seated Pec Flys-3 sets 100 x failure

I got the same reaction from the 9 sets of pressing, my chest was shot...For some reason I usually do about 6-8 sets of a pressing movement for chest but those 9 sets plus the flys at the end were a good change of pace for me..If it was the off season I would have done 4 sets of each but working out during the week with 0 carbs, you have to keep that in the back of your mind, because I don't want to over train and under recover. So give these workouts a shot, and give me some feed back...Our life isn't measured by obstacles we face but by the obstacles we over come....

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