Sunday, August 24, 2008

Positve Week!

Let me start by recapping my workouts from Thursday on.
Thursday-Back, abs
Lat pull downs-170x12, 200x12, 230x10
Over hand barbell rows-225x12, 275x10, 315x8
Bent over hammer strength rows-225x12, 315x10, 405x8-drop set 225 x failure
Rack pulls-315x12, 365x10, 405x10
Wide grip cable rows-160x12, 180x10, 200x10

Friday-Shoulders(I did all super sets), Hamstrings
DB lateral raises-25x12, 30x10, 35x10 (Super Set) Centopani raises-60x12, 70x10, 80x10
DB rear delt raises-30x12, 35x10, 40x10 (Super Set) Reverse pec dec-3 sets 100x10
Smith machine press-225x12, 245x10, 275x10, 315x8
DB shrugs-100x12, 110x10, 120x10
Machine shrugs-3 sets 315x12-10

DB stiff legs-80x12, 100x10, 110x10, 120x10
Lying hamstring curls-60x15, 70x12, 80x10, 90x8-drop set x failure
Standing hamstring curls-2 sets x failure

Saturday- I had to wake up at 5am which is going to be a constant during my contest prep to meet with my close friend and posing coach Kenny Wallach at Gold's in New Haven Connecticut. Everyone seems to think that I am a CT native but I'm not I just have a lot of close friends there, PJ, Evan, and Kenny, and I also go see my massage therapist and good Friend Dr. Mike in CT. So my life is lived in NJ, but a lot of time spent in CT. So, after a good 45 minutes with my coach Kenny, we changed a few things around with my posing and for session #1 he stated that we are so ahead of the game 13 weeks out. I started with Kenny before I did the Mets last year, and it took me from a decent poser to a great poser. Not saying I am a great poser to toote my own horn, it's more of a complement to Kenny, because no matter what show I have been in the number of people who tell me how good my posing is on stage says enough. So this year Kenny and I are more so tweaking things because all my mandatory poses are on point. So I finally got to workout at NH which is hands down my all time favorite gym to workout at, you only will understand if you go there. They have so many different pieces of equipment that no other place has so I can hit every muscle in a different way. So this is how I blasted my arms and calves.

Standing straight bar preacher curls-70x12, 80x10, 90x5-drop set 45 x failure
Alternate db curls-40x10, 50x8, 60x6-drop set 30 x failure
Seated cable curls-60x12, 70x10, 70x10 (super set) Hammer curls-40x10, 50x8, 60x8

Skull crushers-95x12, 105x10, 135x8-drop set 95 x failure
Straight bar push downs-80x12, 100x10, 110x10 (super set) Machine Dips-220x failure
Over head rope extensions-60x12, 70x10, 80x10 (super set) Over head db extensions x failure

Donkey calf raises-4 sets
Standing calf raises-4 sets
Seated calf raises-2 sets

After the gym, I went to go see my good friend PJ who is one week out from North Americans, and all I can say is DAM! My boy is looking sick, he looks bigger than last year and in better conditioning already and he hasn't dropped his water or started carbing up, all I can say is watch out. He is going to be top of the ranks at the show, hands down. So after spending a few hours with PJ and his 3 crazy as cats I headed home and relaxed the rest of the day. IN BODY BUILDING THERE IS NO LIMITS!

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