Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Monday & Tuesday Workouts

So, my weight is still 206, but tomorrow I will defiantly be lighter, it's just one of those days that I can tell I will be light. So just wanted to recap my quad and chest days. For quads I wanted to do more exercises so I only did 3 sets per exercise, and you will see for chest, I did nothing flat, because my shoulder was bothering me. So this is what I did...

Warm up-2 sets extensions
Squats-500x8, 500x8, 405x10
Smith machine squats (legs very far in front)-225x12, 275x12, 315x10
Leg Press-8 plates x 15, 12 plates x 12, 14 plates x 10
Leg extensions-140x15, 160x15, 180x15
Sissy squats-3 sets x failure

Incline barbell-225x10, 275x10, 315x7-drop set 225x7
Incline hammer strength-225x15, 315x12, 405x7-drop set 225x10
Incline flys-40x12, 45x10, 50x10
Bent over cable cross overs-60x15, 70x12, 70x12
Bottom cable cross overs-40x12, 40x12, 40x12
Leg press calf raises
Seated calf raises
Body weight calf raises-(My good friend Evan introduced these to me, what I do is alternate with my feet hanging off any bench or machine, each foot for 10-12 reps, but keep going back and forth until I can only do around 4 reps per foot, this usually can take up to 5 minutes for a set to finish-I usually finish with it every other workout.)


thaAtrain said...

throwin up awesome numbers Guy. With flat feet n bum shoulder to boot! Saw ure Trenches Leg segment on MD.com. R u gonna be a light-heavy this time around?

Guy Cisternino said...

Nah brotha, Im still getting down to middle I had some room to grow last year..believe it or not for the Mets I was 175, the Jr USA I was 176 1/4 and for the Nationals at night I was 173..So I figure I was prob 170 in the am which gives me 6lbs of muscle to have put on which Dave and myself think I did so I will be top of the Middles.

thaAtrain said...

i just remember on the video u said ure body doesnt wanna b a middle wgt, and wouldnt b again

Guy Cisternino said...

I know but I have a better shot at turning pro, my body doesn't want to be a middle, I peak at around 183 but Dave brings me down to 176 to make middle...Can't wait to get down to that weight and get on stage in November