Sunday, August 17, 2008

Rest Of Week Workouts...

Thursday was another hard day at the gym, once it's Thursday it's close to the end of the week and that's when I start to get very tired and run down, but getting through these workouts and I mean physically and mentally (not just going through the motions) is what sets people apart from one another. So with my warrior mentality this is how I made a good week a great week.
Thursday, Back:
Lat pull downs-170x12, 200x12, 210x10, 230x10
Rack pulls-315x12, 365x12, 405x10
Barbell rows-225x12, 275x10, 315x10
One arm db rows-110x10, 120x10, 130x10
Seated cable rows-160x10, 180x10, 200x10

Friday, Shoulders and Hamstrings:
DB shoulder press-100x12, 110x10, 120x8
Smith machine press-225x12, 275x10, 315x8
DB lateral raises-25x12, 30x10, 35x10
Machine lateral raises-3 sets x10, last set was a triple drop set
Reverse pec dec-90x12, 100x10, 100x10
Barbell shrugs-225x12, 275x12, 315x10, 315x10
Barbell stiff legs-3 sets 225x12 super set with 3 sets of standing one leg curls
Lying hamstring curls-3 sets for failure-last set was a drop set

Saturday, I trained with my buddy and overall 2008 Metropolitan winner Kris Lecomte, who is looking massive holding a steady 256lbs. Let me remind you that he weighed in at the Mets at 193 and at the Jr USA where he took a close 2nd at 196. He defiantly put on a lot of mass from May until now. Kris was telling me how he was readying about fsFST-7 which is a training routine that Charles Glass uses to train Phil "The Gift" Heath. It's very simple you pick three exercises for smaller body parts and four to five exercises for the lager ones. Then what you do is perform your first two exercises with a rep range from 10-12 and only 3 sets, with a rest period of only 30-45 seconds. Then for your final exercises you do 7 sets until failure with only 30 seconds of a break (kind of like a very long drop set). So he liked it a lot and I wanted to give it a try, so I figured since I want my arms to come up I would try it out and what a workout we had. This is what Kris and I did:
Saturday, Bis and Tris:
Barbell curls-95x12, 105x10, 105x10
Hammer cross body curls-40x10, 45x10, 50x10
Machine preacher curls-7 sets until failure, weight didn't matter
Skull crushers-95x12, 105x12, 105x12
DB over head extensions-40x10, 45x10, 50x10
Straight bar push downs-7 sets until failure, weight didn't matter

That was my wrap up for the week, great 2nd week of dieting, and I'm getting ready for a 3rd. Down to 204 and counting. Well, after my sushi and brownie cheat meal I might be a little heavier tomorrow. Thanks Kris and Jen for coming up tonight for dinner, had a blast. Jen your brownies are off the charts.


Unknown said...

Hey Guy what did you think of the fst7 routine? chris

Guy Cisternino said...

It was pretty sick bro, def got a good pump and felt it...I didn't do it for my bigger body parts probably will in my off season but I hate to change things around when I am dieting for a show. But I will keep it in for my arm workouts to see how it affects them.