Saturday, May 3, 2008

Solid Training Week Baby!!!

OK, this week has been a little crazy but for my training one of the best weeks I have yet since I came of my 2nd place placings at Nationals. Good old Mondays, Leg day, day to grind it out. Ill give a total recap of my weekly workouts.
Monday: Quads
Leg Day
Leg Press 4 sets-did very high reps
Hack Squats- 225 x 15, 315 x 15, 405 x 12
Leg Press- 10 plates x 15, 14 plates x 15, 18 plates x 12, then did a triple drop set from 18 plates, 14 plates, 10 plates
Squats-(yes I switched it up and did them last this week) 4 sets of 315 for 12
single leg extensions- 2 sets until failure

Tuesday: Chest
Incline DB press-110 x 15, 120 x 12, 130 x 10 drop set to 70 x 15
Incline hammer strength-315 x 15, 365 x 10, 365 x 10
Incline flys-40 x 15, 45 x 15, 50 x 12
Flat bench- 225 x 12, 275 x 10, 315 x 6 x drop set to 225 x 8
Machine flys- 100 x 15, 110 x 12, 120 x 12

Thursday: Back (did not dead lift this week, gave my back a rest
Lat pull downs-170 x 15, 200 x 12, 230 x 10
Bent over barbell rows-225x 15, 275 x 12, 315 x 9
One arm DB rows- 110 x 15, 120 x 12, 140 x 10
Close grip pull downs- 120 x 15, 170 x 12, 200 x 10
DB pull overs-80 x 15, 90 x 12, 100 x 12
Hyper Back extensions- 2 sets x 20 holding 25lb plate

Friday: Shoulders and Hamstrings-Trained at Club 46 with my boy PJ and his client Bridget.
DB press-100 x 15, 120 x 10, 130 x 10, last set PJ and I shot for odds and evens so he won and we did a burn out for 100's I got them for 23 PJ got them for 24..You got me kid
DB lateral raises- 30 x 15, 35 x 12, 40 x 10, 40 x 10
Bent over lateral raises-30 x 15, 35 x 12, 35 x 12, 40 x 10
Reverse Pec Dec-95 x 15, 95 x 15, 100 x 15

For hams, I took it easy wanted to give my lower back a complete rest this week so I did the following:
Lying Ham curls- 4 sets any where from 15-10 reps
Standing one leg curls 4 sets any where from 15-10 reps
that was it for hams this week.

I will post my arm workout tomorrow, I have to workout and help my buddy Kris Lecomte with a posing routine for the Jr. USA's in a few weeks, so that should be a good time tomorrow....NEVER LET ANYONE GET IN THE WAY OF YOUR DREAM

1 comment:

thaAtrain said...

Hey guy i think u should youtube ure trainin sessions like many other bbdrs. would b awesome to catch some of what ure describin. peace. A.