Friday, May 30, 2008

Bigger, Faster, Stronger- With The MD Crew!!!

So last night around 12am, I get a text from Dave Palumbo to call him. I called him and he told me that him and some of other MDer's were heading to see the premier of Bigger, Faster, Stronger at the AMC theaters in NY City. Since I am not one for going out and parting on weekends, I took advantage and got out of the house and drove into the (city which is only about 25 minutes from house) and went to see the movie. Among the crew was Mr.G and his two sons, Dave, Colette, Derek Anthony, and a late showing of Greg Valentino. The movie was awesome, very informative, and gave a lot of real truth to the word "steroids." Instead of showing the normal opinionated views of society it featured facts and truths about the drugs, and discussed both sides of the coins, being good and bad. But during the movie it was very clearly shown that all of the facts about steroids are mostly positive, whereas all of the negative side of steroids are mostly opinions and are not derived from factual information but merely a glimpse of what our society has drawn up in there way of a conclusion (which is bull shit). The show included three big names in MD, Rick Collins, John Romano, and of course Greg Valentino, whom all made the show worth seeing. After the show you can always count on Big Dave, to pull out his video camera and MD TV microphone and do some interviews. As that was happening it drew a pretty big crowd of people wanting pictures and autographs. As we got outside the theater we drew an even bigger crowd when Greg was getting interviewed by Dave. You would have thought the NY Yankees were outside that's how many people there were, it was almost as if people have never seen anyone who has worked out before. All in all it was a great time, I always have a great time whenever Dave and Colette are involved. They are two very close people in my life, I always talk about Dave as my sponsor or my nutritionist but he is more so my friend first and foremost. As for Colette she is just always there as a huge support to me and always is driving me to do better and work harder to achieve my goals...Thanks you guys, love both of ya.
Well tomorrow I will be GUEST POSING ALONG WITH DAVE PALUMBO AND PHIL HEATH AT THE LONG ISLAND SHOW. The address is 269 East Main Street, East Islip NY. Be sure to swing by if you're around the area, should be a great time. There will also be a huge SPECIES BOOTH there, selling and promoting the best line of supplements on the market today...Hope to see a bunch of you there tomorrow..Never settle for normal-its always about getting bigger, faster, stronger!

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