Sunday, December 2, 2007

Getting Back Into It!!

Well, today is Sunday, day of rest, and dam sure need it. Got back into the swing of things this week. Started back at the gym on Monday and went through my normal workout routines as I usually do, except due to being out of the gym for two weeks I kept the weight reasonable and the volume a little lower. Although, I went a little easy on myself this week, I was sore as shit every day as if I never worked out before, that's what happens after a show. After all the dieting, cardio, brutal workouts your body needs time to recover. Going into Nationals my last day of working out was Tuesday the 13th, last day of cardio was the 14th, the show was on 16th and 17th, then I took off the following week to recuperate. I feel pretty good I have to say still holding onto some water weight, my weight is still below 200 I have been floating around 193-195 in the mornings, which is good usually I put weight on really fast, this time around I was smart and didn't go nuts with binging after my show. I have truly only cheated twice since the show. The Monday after my show I went out and got sushi, then after that it was Thanksgiving, since then been eating my off season regimen, which consists of 8 meals a day, so the cravings aren't there when your full most of the day. One thing I am still struggling on is my sleep pattern sucks, I wake up almost EVERY 2 hours every night, talk about annoying. Other than that I can't wait for this week when I can start back into my normal warrior intensity in the gym and start bulking up. Hope everyone had a great Holiday, and I will keep everyone posted on my training this week. Remember any questions or comments, feel free to comment or email me at , Time to Get After It.....God Bless

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