Friday, October 31, 2008

Last Minute Guest Posing At The Gold's Classic..

I was asked on Wednesday of this week if I could guest pose at the Gold's Classic being held in Long Branch, NJ. I never can say no to guest posing for a few reasons. First off, I like helping out and giving back to the sport in any way that I can. Secondly, I live in NJ so anytime I can represent my state in a show I love doing it, there's not a lot of NJ guys out there so I like to represent. And lastly I enjoy being on stage, I'd rather be on stage like I am now only 3 weeks left before Nationals but I do guest pose at 225 and 180, just depends on the time of year we're in. So if you're around on Saturday be sure to stop by and check it out. Pre judging starts at 11am and the night show starts at 6pm. I will be there for both pre judging and the night show. I will be there with my two close friends PJ and Kris for most of the day.
I also have a client Nick Lepore in the show, it's his first show, he will be competing in the Bantam weight class, he's looking ripped and hope he can place high in his first ever bodybuilding show at the age of 20. GOOD LUCK NICK, you worked your ass off kid!!!
As for me I will have up dated photos and video of my guest posing up on my website by Sunday in my members section, so be sure to check it out.

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