Monday, October 6, 2008

7 Weeks Left Baby!!!

7 weeks left, or 49 days, been dieting now for 9 weeks and I can honestly say along with, Kenny my posing coach, my good friends, Dom, Kris, Pj, and Carlo, along with Dave, that this is by far the best I have ever looked. I am hard as nails in the back, hams are coming in very nicely, glutes are tight not quit striated yet, and from the front, legs are still thick and holding water in the abs and quads. Overall I am very pleased with how I am looking still at 190 lbs, my diet just changed, I am now doing one day of fats and one day without. Dave said he wants me ready 2 weeks before my show so he has some time to fine tune things at the end, so I am excited to see the different things he does to help out my physique. I had a good workout week last week doing different things and keeping my body guessing. Although I can't grow I want to improve on what I can for the next 7 weeks. I have been changing a lot in the gym. Still going heavy, and still strong, but I have been doing things from drop sets, giant sets, straight sets, sometimes I'll do all machines, or all free weights.
Today, is the day of the quad crew, and it was pretty intense again, if you don't believe me just ask Jay, who called me telling me his knees have never hurt this bad before. You'll be fine bro, it's from going heavy, get used to it. This is what I did for the wheels today...

Warmed up with 2 sets of extensions
Leg extensions-120x15, 140x15, 160x15, 200x15
Smith machine squats-315x10, 365x10, 405x10 (this are a good change from barbell squats you can't cheat and you can focus on staying on your heels and driving straight up)
Hack squats-225x12, 315x10, 405x8
Single leg-leg press-135x12, 185x10, 185x10-then did both legs until failure

So judging by how my body has been responding I am hoping to be in the high 180's by the end of this week, which is good I am doing my first guest posing of my prep at the Victor Martinez Greater Perth Amboy BB show on Saturday October 11th. The night show starts at 6pm, be sure to come and check it out.

When I was at Steve Stone's funeral, the pastor said something that made much sence.

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