Saturday, October 18, 2008

5 Week Out Updates....Pics In Members Gallary!!

OK so 5 weeks out today or 35 days if your a bodybuilder, that's how we roll. Or if you want to get to the nitty gritty of things, you can say 28 days out because the last week is a breeze with just working out on Monday and Tuesday then carbing up on Thursday, so NO I don't count the last week. I guess in my head just is a little easier to cope with.
I went to go see Dave today in Long Island, I was happy to hear all the complements he gave me, he was very impressed on my overall package. Dave said that I look overall completely different than last year and made a lot of improvements more so in my back and my quads. That made me feel great because after standing next to Jose last year the one thing I wanted was freakier legs and I think I accomplished that part of my goal in the off season. My current weight as of today was 186.4 and I still have 5 weeks to go, the game plan is to get me down to 180 lbs 2 weeks out so I can maintain that and keep my size before cutting water and carbing up. I think that is very reasonable at this point that's about 2 lbs per week for the next 3 which I have been doing consistently.
My workouts I cut down on a little, the reason for this is because this is the leanest I have been this far out and I don't want to risk injury. I am still lifting as heavy as my body allows but instead of doing 15-17 sets I cut down to about 12 sets per body part. Part of that decision was due to talking with Dave, PJ, and Evan, who all agreed that I am ahead of schedule and cutting down at this point will do nothing but help since I am conditioned already. Workouts are going well, so I really can't complain a few aches and pains but who wouldn't doing a butt load of cardio, but complaining isn't an option, we do this body building not because we have to but because we want to. Sure, there are days when I ask myself why the hell I do this, but I don't even answer that question I just look in the mirror and the reason is staring right back at me. There are a lot worse things in life than dieting, and cardio, and I don't' think I need to get into the details, if you can't figure them out then there's a problem.
Train hard and Live harder!!
****Members section as promised is updated and be sure to check out the new pics and post comments on my blog to let me know what you think!

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