Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Chest Day Is Becoming A Good Day...

So, as you all know my surgery that I had in January I am still recovering from, but it is not stopping me. My shoulder still gives me a little pain, and is uncomfortable at times but all in all, with a warrior mentality you can get through anything. Yesterday I started out chest with warm up on the DB press, from there did 100 X 15, 110 X 12, 120 x 10, 130 x 10. I was pleased I got the 130's for 10 haven't done that in awhile. After that I did incline flys all for sets of 15, 40, 45, and 50. I can't go too heavy on those because the stretch bothers my shoulder a little so I kind of do them slow and feel the squeeze. Then I attempted flat barbell bench, I did 225 x 15, 245 x 10, and 275 x 10, I was pleased but pissed, before my shoulder problem I was doing 315 for 15 on a good day, just have to keep pushing my way up. Then I did flat db flys all sets of 12-15 with 40, 45 and 50. To finish off my chest I finished off with the Icarian chest press for three sets, last set I did a drop set to burn my chest out. Felt very good afterwards, my shoulder was sore, but I am sure it was do to pushing heavy inclines.
I also have been doing calves twice a week, I keep my routines with my calves changing every week. So this is what I did for them yesterday, I did standing calve raises 3 sets all to failure, then I did single leg press calve raises super set with regular leg press calve raises. To finish them off I did two sets of body weight calve raises. I do them differently, my close friend Evan showed me a different way to do it, I alternate each calve until I am burnt out then I switch, burn that calve out, then switch again. So a set can take 3 + minutes, I did 2 sets of them and could barely walk out of the gym...Overall another sick ass workout...GET BIG

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