Friday, November 14, 2008

1 Week Out!

What can I say, it's been a long 15 weeks so far and only 7 more days left. This is the best I have ever looked, and I can say I have done all I can to be the best I can be at this point. The next few days are going to fly, I have 3 more workouts to go, cardio stops next week, and soon enough I'll be on the plane to Atlanta. All I can say that's it's been a long, but fun road. In the end, it's YOU puts the work in, it's YOU who makes the decisions to diet and not cheat, it's YOU who decides to go to the gym and workout or do cardio twice a day when you want to. Any one can hand feed you a diet and workout, the ones who follow it and don't go off the path are the ones who will succeed in the sport and in life. Yes, I owe a lot of how I look to my nutritionist Dave Palumbo, without his eye, I would not be where I am at right now. But, in the end it was ME who put the time and effort into doing what I felt I was born to do, and that's compete. I love bodybuilding, even the days I hate waking up and doing cardio, or going to the gym, it's those days when I finally walk into my apartment and I finished everything for the day, it's those days that make it all worth it. There are many people to thank, they all know who they are, and I adore everyone of them, family, friends, and fans. I have a lot of support and love around me and I can't thank you all enough for all your care and support through the 16 weeks of my diet. One more weeks and these cheeks will be filled with pumpkin pie, you can guarantee that.
I am heading to NYC tomorrow so Dave can have one final look at me before he sees me again in Atlanta, I don't think I will go to pre judging because I am so drained. After that I have to pose with my posing coach Kenny Wallach one last time, and get my final leg workout in (God that's good to say.) Can't wait to get to ATL. Good luck to all competing in the Eastern and Good Luck to all competitors in the Nationals next weekend. I will be posting final pictures tomorrow, then after that, it's show time!!!!
****Oh and I have been asked about my quotes, they are 99 % of the time from the top of my head

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