Saturday, January 17, 2009

Bout Dam Time!

I know I know, I have got many emails and pm's on MD about people asking me why I have been neglecting my blog, and I am sorry. I have been having a good off season thus far, although it's only been 2 months since my showing at Nationals weighing 175lbs, I am currently around 215, and maintaining that weight pretty steadily. I don't find a need to put on more weight right now so I will probably stay around this weight for another month or two before I start trying to add more size. Being 5'6 I have to put on weight carefully and not too fast or my body has a way of holding too much fat, which is why I eat very clean in my off seasons. My strength is going up every week, but I have to limit how much weight I use because although it's my off season its' only been two months and I need to ease back into my normal weights. I have a football background so I have always been naturally very strong, in college my final year I had the biggest lift total for bench, squat, and power cleans, and being a corner back I would say that's pretty dam good. Right now I have been consistently using 365 for bench, 455 for squats, and 405 for dead lifts. Last year I went very heavy with all my weights especially squats where I was doing my first set for 500 for 10 reps, I think this year I might keep the weight down a bit and focus more on good reps because its inevitable that much weight will eventually beat up your knees. Starting in February I will start my full off season, I am still doing cardio 30 min 3 times a week and eating carbs with only 5 meals instead of 7 so I am sure once I back off the cardio and add in those carbs my weight will start to climb up a little. So that's whats going on in my life as far as bodybuilding right now. Remember: BODY BUILDING ISN'T ABOUT WHO WORKS THE HARDEST, BUT WHO DOES THE RIGHT THING!
As always there are still trials and tribulations in my life as well as everyone else. The start of 2009 for me has been a shaky one when it comes to a lot, but I am sorting things out day by day. I plan to make these years to come the best years of my life. So many people in my life had told me to put myself first, and start being selfish, which I have never done. But you need to make yourself happy before anything. (Thank you)

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